Monday, May 10, 2010

Beautiful Roses

picture above taken during the dark atmosphere

When I visited the florist, I saw many hybrid roses are very beautiful, and I decided to buy it. I feel calm when you see the beauty of this flower. Fragrant scent that comes out also create a feeling of peace.

Everyone would love to see flowers, beautiful flower captivating flower lovers. A rose is a shrub of the genus Rossa. Wild roses that consists of more than 100 species mostly grow in the northern hemisphere the valve cool. Species roses are generally a thorny shrub or climbing plant can reach 2 to 5 meters. Although rare, high-climbing rose plants in other plants can reach 20 meters.

With changing times and technological advances and the existence of genetic engineering is increasingly a diverse family of plants with colors colors ranging from red, purple, black and even a mixture of several colors. In addition petals are increasingly varied, from a single bud, to a stacked double. I hope would be more beautiful roses in the future.


  1. Mantap sob, tukeran link yach, mungkin kamu butuh dokumentasi seperti acara wedding dan acara lainnya untuk wilayah Bandar Lampung dan sekitarnya, silahkan kunjungi blog kami, jangan lupa komentarnya ....

  2. OK sob, makasih ya sudah mau mampir,

    thanks for stopping by on my blog

  3. udah sob, sering2 kesini y, saling follow

  4. you do right, as a flower lovers
